• Real Estate Agency specializing in the sale of typical tuscan properties
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A corner of Provence in Tuscany…the lavendere cu...

If in these Spring days you take the panoramic road that leads from the village of Lorenzana to Santa Luce, you will be amazed to see,  along the route, a gentle grey-purple colored hill… completely covered by lavender plants in bloom..the scent is inebriating..leave the car and walk along the path to the Buddhist monument: here the panoramic 360 degrees view is amazing and …

An elegant manor house in Fauglia: looking for somebod...

Sometimes we need to elevate ourself at “non human heights” to better understand that who built this manor house was an illuminated: a sundrenched spot, surrounded by green rolling hills with the summer sea breezes gently blowing . This noble XIX century manor house, unspoiled and still preserving its sober but elegant nature, boasts the same internal layout, with spacious rooms embellished by original …

A former watchtower, sea views and a peaceful spot on...

Have you ever dreamt of opening the windows and see the sea shining in the distance? Or in the evening get lost in the lights that shine in the plain? Or chat until late with friends, in front of the large fireplace in winter… or swim in a panoramic pool, with your gaze lost beyond the woods and olive groves, during the summer. Well, …

Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice 2022

   Another year will be soon over and, as always, it is also time to take stock…with this Merry Christmas Wishes, we sincerely want to thank those who, in such a complicated and difficult period, trusted us and have decided to walk a small piece of their own path with us…Best wishes for a joyous Christmas to Leopoldo and hisfamily, Fulvio, Gianpaolo, Claus and …

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2021 0 Continue Reading

XXVIII Old Camellia Exhibition Compitese 2017

Like every year, it takes place on the following weekends, 11-12-18-19-25-26 March 2017, in the magnificent scenery of Compitese of Lucca, the Exhibition of Ancient Camellias, beautiful ornamental plants with delicate and elegant flowers and turgid buds. Not everyone knows that it was a Jesuit who imported the plant in the eighteenth century from the East, where it was celebrated in arts and literature …

events Feb 27, 2017 0 Continue Reading

Ecobonus for furniture and large appliances if you are...

Perhaps not everyone knows that … who began restoring his property in 2016, until 31 December 2017 can deduct 50% of the purchase costs for furniture and large appliances (minimum class A+), up to a maximum of 10,000 euro.

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2017 0 Continue Reading

A new law in Tuscany, to help people wishing to restor...

Finally, a new law seems to be nearly approved, which provides facilities for those who decide to restore in Tuscany ruins or simply abandoned buildings in rural areas. All this in order to limit the exploitation of land with new buildings, protecting our typical landscape, and thus avoiding the abandonment of the countryside. Under the new law it is possible for the unrestricted property, …