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Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice 2022

Posted by Claudia Pizzi on 20/12/2021
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 Another year will be soon over and, as always, it is also time to take stock…with this Merry Christmas Wishes, we sincerely want to thank those who, in such a complicated and difficult period, trusted us and have decided to walk a small piece of their own path with us…Best wishes for a joyous Christmas to Leopoldo and hisfamily, Fulvio, Gianpaolo, Claus and Helle, John and Lia, Alessandra, Huguette, Dan, Paolo, Mario and his family, Carlo, Giovanna and Paolo, Massimo, Vincenzo, Barbara, Cynthia and Robert, Carina, Sonia!
Claudia e Aldo

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